Health Pass

Turpin Chiropractic is pleased to provide this Health Pass.

This Health Pass entitles the bearer to the following:

($163 value)

– A chiropractic consultation
– An orthopedic and neurological examination
– Any necessary films*, AND
– A report of the Doctor’s findings

This coupon is only good for first time patients of
Turpin Chiropractic.
(Health Pass not applicable to personal injury or work comp cases.)

This pass expires on:

Please tell the receptionist you have a $80.00 HEALTH PASS
when scheduling your appointment.

Print this health pass and bring it with you.
*To avoid needless health hazards associated with ionizing radiation, no such films will be given unless there is a prior observable clinical need for it.

Work injuries are covered 100% with employer authorization.
Auto accidents are covered 100% with your auto med pay or attorney lien.
Insurance companies like Group Health and Medicare cover chiropractic care.